Archive for the ‘Laurel and Hardy’ Category

For Mothemum

May 4, 2007


The Piano on the Stairs


She’s a big fan of Laurel and Hardy. Click here for a lovely piece of footage

A little ramble…

November 28, 2006

 trophy.gif Well she’s done it again. No.1 came second in the Under 12’s Credit Union Colouring Competition! Is there no end to my daughters talents? (swelling head)

 *Happy Birthday to TCP on Babybulls blog. He is ONE today!

 *I was ironing away this afternoon, I usually watch a foodie programme but decided to put on a Laurel & Hardy video. Well,  I  laughed so hard I almost cried. Remember the episode with the piano?

laurel.jpg It frustrates me so much to watch, yet it’s so funny. Anyway, whatever makes the tedious task of ironing pleasurable, suits me.

 *Winter colds have set in, in the Lionheart household. I’m sneezing so hard I regret not keeping up my pelvic floor exercises. I just hope we’ll all be well now for Christmas.