Archive for the ‘Hobbies’ Category

Housework will wait…

March 29, 2007

I’m getting fed up with housework, so it’s time to get outside and enjoy the better weather! My front garden has been sitting half done for six weeks, still with a garden trowel sticking in the soil from where I left off. The girls have a half day tommorrow before their two week Easter holidays 😯 I hope the weather stays fine so they can play outside all day and leave me to get on with it. The back garden needs lots of work. The decking has to be re-stained and I’d love to put up some trellis on the back fencing to grow more climbers, maybe honeysuckle and more clematis.


~May 2006~

Watch this space!


July 17, 2006


 I’m wearing a denim mini-skirt and have just been ordered by no.1 to put on something more appropriate. More waterfights in the garden today (Cools them down and wears them out!) 😎

I am going out to potter in my garden now. My Russian Vine is wild and needs training (so do I my sis thinks!) so I will see to that then check my beds for weeds and slugs. Then load the car with children and recycling and do my bit for Diarmuid Gavin who always insists we ‘Reduce, Re-use, Recycle’


July 11, 2006

 kgday2006logosmall.gif   We are creating our own little kitchen garden today. Myself and the girls have lots of packets of seeds to sow. We already have a tub of thyme on the kitchen window-ledge, nasturtiums in pots (the flower heads are edible and look nice in a mixed salad) and coriander, I love that smell! We also planted sweet peas in May, they haven’t flowered yet, but they are thriving and look nice on the patio.  My joiner made a pergola at the back door. Its a simple framework which I am training a Russian Vine to cover.

          party-peas.jpg     runner-beans.jpg    seeds.jpg Katy Carrot!


July 6, 2006


I love looking in gardening magazines and books, not just for ideas, but there’s nothing more beautiful than a page full of flowers and colour. My sister in Send Marsh, England, sends me gardening magazines. She is a member of the RHS but doesn’t have time to read the magazine which is sent to members. So, she obviously thinks I do!


June 28, 2006


My passion is gardening. Given half the chance, I would be outdoors doing something whatever the weather.

 But the weather has been so unpredictable here, that much of my work has come to a standstill. I have had some work done in the back garden recently, that being extra paving to accommodate a large table and chairs, a raised bed for the children to grow vegetables, a pergola at the patio to grow my Russian Vine (mile-a-minute) and climbing roses and lastly, a decked area which is more of a platform really to even up the sloping, waterlogged back lawn!    

 Each year, myself and the girls plant seeds. They really enjoy the whole process of opening the seed packets, filling the little pots with compost, making a hole with a pencil, dropping in the seed, checking the seed went in, a few times(!) covering the seed, watering, then looking every few minutes for the rest of the day and asking……”Where are the flowers Mummy?”