Archive for February 6th, 2007

Blogging with the Americans!

February 6, 2007

   Most of the blogs I visit are written by American ladies, and a few Canadians, too.

  On ‘Menu Plan Mondays’,  I often wonder what some of the dishes actually are, so right now I’m surfing the net and doing a little research. I looked on my msn webpage which I really enjoy browsing, and found this  I must get one of those crockpots! 

   Then I was side-tracked (nothing new) onto another site which explained how to deal with a two-year old who bites his sisters, which is happening in my house right now. It started last week, and Spud thought it was a good idea at first. Check this out…. BITE

  So, back to the foodie bit. There are a few more things I struggle with. Meatloaf is popular on the menu’s, as is sandwiches. Now, if my Husband came home from a 10/12 hour shift, to be presented with sandwiches, he’d head right out the door and down to the ‘Chipper’ for a Lunchbox!

  Leftovers night …BRILLIANT! I throw the lot together and come up with ……erm…..something! No, seriously, since adding leftovers to the menu, I waste nothing. I’ve saved between 20-40 euro per week on groceries. Honestly! I don’t buy what we would all like, I buy what we’ll need for the week.

 I think I should plan next weeks Meal Planner Monday on meals I’ve seen on these said blogs!